Source code for web3auth.settings

from django.conf import settings as django_settings

[docs]class AppSettings(object): @property def WEB3AUTH_USER_ADDRESS_FIELD(self): """ Field on the User model, which has ethereum address to check against. This allows you to store it somewhere in arbitrary place other than just username. """ return getattr(django_settings, 'WEB3AUTH_USER_ADDRESS_FIELD', 'username') @property def WEB3AUTH_USER_SIGNUP_FIELDS(self): """ Specifies field to be used in signup form for a new User model """ return getattr(django_settings, "WEB3AUTH_USER_SIGNUP_FIELDS", ['email']) @property def WEB3AUTH_SIGNUP_ENABLED(self): """ Makes it possible to disable signups (similar to allauth) """ return getattr(django_settings, "WEB3AUTH_SIGNUP_ENABLED", True)
app_settings = AppSettings()